What is Invenio

We make high-performance, innovative and sustainable nanofibres for the most diverse sectors.

Invenio is an innovative company that, through research, designs, creates and produces high-performance eco-innovative electrospun materials for various production sectors, in particular the manufacturing, industrial, textile and medical/pharmaceutical sectors.

Using the electrospinning process, we produce nano and micro-structured materials consisting of ecofriendly, natural substrates and nanofibers from polymers of predominantly natural origin with wide application possibilities. We therefore address all companies that have realized the importance of making production sustainable, reducing the environmental impact of production processes and end products, and using state-of-the-art materials.

Using Electrospinning, we have achieved something that was not there before: Neatess®, the cotton-based filter membrane that combines the natural characteristics of this material with excellent filtering efficiency and high breathability.

A high quality, advanced solution with vast application potential, environmentally and human-friendly designed to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

nanofibre al microscopio


Lampadina che rappresenta innovazione nella produzione di materiali in nanofibre


For Invenio, nanomaterials are synonymous with innovation. So is our choice to use predominantly natural components instead of traditional raw materials in our electrospinning process to produce nanofibre materials. Constant investment in R&D allows us to devote time and resources to finding more effective, sustainable and cutting-edge solutions.


Today, respect for the environment must affect every industry without exception. We aim to produce environmentally friendly, high-performance nanofibre materials and components that can be offered to companies and that will gradually replace counterparts currently produced in plastic or synthetic materials. In this way, it will also be possible to concretely protect our planet and contribute to a more sustainable future for all.

Mappamondo tra le foglie che rappresenta i componenti in nanofibre ecosostenibili
Persone competenti nella realizzazione di nanofibre per DPI e filtrazione dell’aria


The experience and in-depth scientific know-how of the Invenio team are at the heart of our solutions. A think-outside-the-box approach, guided by precision, reliability, efficiency and the highest specialization allows us to produce certified, nanofiber-based products that are ideally suited to the most diverse sectors: from personal protective equipment to air filtration, from the building industry to the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

Continuous Improvement

The use of natural raw materials in the manufacturing of our solutions results in products that ensure the best performance on the one hand and respect for the planet on the other. An example? Inserted into a common protective mask, Neatess® offers the same protection as an FFP2 with a significantly higher level of comfort for the user, guaranteed by the increased breathability and skin coming into contact with a natural material such as cotton, as well as being very lightweight.
Grafico di miglioramento continuo nella realizzazione di nanofibre

Get to know us better

Our story began many years ago, at school. As we grew up, we took different paths and careers, to then meet again and give birth to an ambitious project: Invenio.

Born from our professional and academic backgrounds, the sharing of a common ideal and the desire to get involved, our brand offers companies innovative, effective and environmentally friendly solutions.

Simona Pellegri, founder e CEO di Invenio SRL, startup che realizza nanofibre performanti


Simona Pellegri


After her technical training in the field of Agricultural Sciences, she graduated in Legal Sciences.

She has worked as an agricultural surveyor for more than 20 years, enabling her to contact      variousfirms and businesses in the Lombardy region and acquire knowledge of the development of new sustainable techniques.

Between 2019 and 2020, she commissioned the CNR in Bologna to carry out a feasibility study on the production of new yarns derived from proteins of natural origin, using eco-friendly technologies.

The focus on sustainable progress and the desire to find innovative solutions through increasingly ambitious projects have contributed to the birth of Invenio, in which she holds the position of Sole Director.

Annalisa Gaimarri, Co-founder e R&D chief manager di Invenio SRL, startup che realizza nanofibre performanti


Annalisa Gaimarri


After obtaining a high school Scientific Diploma, she graduated in Medical Biotechnology, presenting a Graduation Thesis carried out in the laboratories of the Department of Pharmacology of the CRN in Milan, where she also obtained a PhD in Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Medical Toxicology.

After years of research, she dedicated herself to environmental and consumer education projects in schools, developing a strong awareness of environmental dynamics, recycling practices and sustainability. At Invenio, her skills create a link between the world of research and the challenges faced by manufacturing activities.

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